KMS Hosts the Atlanta CEO Council [Recap & Photos]
KMS Hosts the August CXO Reception
On August 26th KMS partnered with the Atlanta CEO Council (ACEO) to welcome ACEO members to our office for the August CXO Reception.
The event was a roaring success. Despite rain, over 120 Atlanta-based CEOs, executives, investors, non-profit, and academic leaders attended the reception. Midway through the evening, KMS President Josh Lieberman and ACEO Executive Director, Ashish Thakur addressed the crowd.
Lieberman welcomed guests and introduced KMS. He explained how KMS Technology partners with innovative software companies, not unlike some in attendance, to develop and test their products. He also shared the product companies KMS has created through UpStar Labs, our software incubator (QASymphony, Katalon, and Kobiton).
Lieberman then introduced ACEO’s Executive Director, Ashish Thakur. Thakur thanked the attendees for coming and their continued support to growing the Atlanta business community. He gave special thanks to some members, including the Atlanta Housing Authority, Secureworks, Tesla, and Kabbage just to name a few.
With remarks finished, attendees continued networking and catching up with one another until the end of the reception. We had a great time meeting everyone and look forward to the next ACEO event!

About the Atlanta CEO Council
Over the last 20 years, ACEO has brought together Atlanta’s executive community to promote “a better way of doing business.” KMS is one of the Council’s exclusive partners.
The organization’s goal is to empower businesses and business leaders to positively impact the community. This goal is fueled by fostering relationships and developing Atlanta-based business leaders through exclusive educational forums, regular networking events, and mentorship programs.
Membership is open to executives from product and recurring revenue companies across all industries.
Didn’t get to talk to someone from KMS at the event and interested in partnering with us to grow your business?