Real-Time Payments: The Need for Speed in Fintech

In a few short decades, the world catapulted from dial-up to gigabit speeds. What once took us hours to download (and re-download when it errored out) is now completed in mere seconds. So why haven’t payment systems caught up?

SWIFT, ACH, and SEPA are relics of a past where customers were happy to wait two or three days for payment transfers. Why? Until the advent of Real-Time Payments (RTP) in fintech, they had no choice. 

Digital culture has propelled us into a fast-forward existence. This instantaneous imperative has turned patience into a fading virtue, making it practically obsolete. No one wants to wait for funds to clear, for lengthy KYC, or for the clock to roll over to 9 am for payment processing.

And why should we? With Real-Time Payments, the days of waiting might finally be over, but only if fintechs adopt it as the default.

Warp-Speed Transactions: What Are Real-Time Payments in Fintech?

a person's phone displaying all payment and finance functions

Whether you’re sending money home, buying a new couch, or investing in a Bitcoin dip, milliseconds count. 

Lengthy SWIFT messages and inter-bank transfer holding should remain in the past where they belong. Even though card rail networks like MasterCard and Visa offer near real-time payments (about 10 seconds per transaction), bank rail still relies predominantly on ACH (Automated Clearing House) and takes hours to days to complete.

The Quantum Leap

Days, hours, seconds, it doesn’t matter. Customers need payments processed instantly in the digital economy, and Real-Time Payments facilitate just that. They’re a quantum leap in the world of fintech, and unlike traditional methods, which take eons to complete, RTP systems enable instantaneous transfer of funds between banks and accounts, 24/7, 365 days a year.

But why is instant better than seconds? Because immediacy transforms the user experience, improves cash flow and liquidity, and lowers transaction costs. For business, it revolutionizes how we think about financial transactions.

Outrunning SWIFT and ACH

Credit where it’s due, SWIFT and ACH have long been the backbone of global and domestic payments. But they’re starting to show their age. SWIFT messages are seriously slow and can take days to send and receive payments, specifically cross-border transactions, while ACH generally requires one to three business days. 

RTP leaves these systems in the dust by offering immediate fund availability and payment confirmation that is irrevocable. 

In an attempt to adopt online payment methods, most countries around the world have developed their own versions of instant payment systems:

  • Australia: New Payments Platform (NPP)
  • Brazil: Pix
  • China: Internet Banking Payment System (IBPS)
  • Eastern Europe: Faster Payments System (FPS)
  • European Union: SEPA Inst
  • India: Immediate Payment Service (IMPS)
  • Japan: Zengin
  • Singapore: FAST
  • South Africa: Real Time Clearing (RTC)
  • Turkey: Retail Payment System (RPS)
  • United States: Real-Time Payments (RTP)

The development of these financial technologies has been largely in response to the growing demand for instant payments and an expected 39% growth of eCommerce within the next five years.

Behind the Scenes of RTP

From the consumer’s viewpoint, money transfers are just numbers coming out of their account and appearing in another, so it’s difficult for everyday customers to understand why on Earth a payment can take so long. 

Under the hood of RTP, a blend of advanced technologies and protocols work together to achieve instantaneous payment processing. At the core is the use of ISO 20022 messaging standards, which provide a flexible framework for exchanging payment data. The standards allow for remittance information to travel with the payment, allowing for better reconciliation and reporting. 

Instant payments utilize high-throughput, low-latency, cloud-based networks that can handle massive volumes of transactions without getting bottlenecked. These requirements mean that often, Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and blockchain are employed for decentralized validation, ensuring security and transparency. 

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are pivotal for RTP as they enable seamless integration with banks, fintechs, and third-party service providers. APIs allow real-time balance checks, fraud detection, and instant authentication via protocols like OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect

Securing Speed

Being fast is one thing, but is Real-Time Payment (RTP) in fintech safe? RTP systems incorporate multi-factor authentication, end-to-end encryption, tokenization, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) to detect fraud in real time.

All transactions are in full compliance with regulations such as PSD2 in Europe, Know Your Customer (KYC), and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requirements. Each of these frameworks is embedded into the transaction flow itself through real-time monitoring and AI-driven anomaly detection.

The Psychology of Now: Why Immediate Payments Matter

a customer tapping their card on a machine for payment

It’s now well established that emotion drives impulse buying. In fact, there’s a whole division of neuroscience devoted to the behavior of “instant gratification.” It tells us that buying things on a whim triggers big dopamine releases and reinforces activities that provide fast rewards. 

Knowing this, it’s easy to see how waiting even a few minutes for payments to clear could interrupt this process. Real-Time Payments (RTP) in fintech essentially capitalize on this inherent psychological wiring by providing instantaneous payment processing for shopping online.

When fintech offers RTP and adopts it as a standard, the delay between action and reward is virtually eliminated. For eCommerce businesses, this means satisfied customers and consumers coming back for more.

Business in the Age of ASAP

Older generations sometimes get things wrong, but they’re right about one thing: We live in the age of ASAP. In this time, waiting becomes the ultimate deal-breaker. 

If two businesses offer the same product or service, but only one accepts real-time payments, consumers will pivot to the faster option. Given enough time (and enough lost revenue), fintech businesses that offer RTP will be sought out by businesses that demand the benefits RTP will bring.

But it’s not just for eCommerce, RTP settlements improve cash flow, reduce the float time of funds, and increase overall operational efficiency. When businesses offer immediate refunds or on-the-spot payroll, the expectations of today’s clientele (who value speed above all) are completely aligned.

The Global Implications

Faster, more secure, and greater transparency. There are a lot of elements of finance that RTP is increasing for the better, but there’s one thing it’s shrinking—the world.

RTP dissolves geographical boundaries by facilitating international commerce, allowing real-time remittance, and driving the global gig economy by making sure freelancers and contractors get paid instantly and without losing money from transfer and exchange fees.

With RTP, we can look forward to a more interconnected global economy, driven by a need for speed.

Fast Lane, Hard Turns: Challenges in Real-Time Payment Processing

When processing payments happens quickly, so do the mistakes. Implementing RTP is not without its challenges (no deal-breakers, though). Here are some of the more well-established issues with implementing RTP.

a phone with a credit card get secured

Security at Speed

One of the biggest issues with RTP is what makes it so groundbreaking—speed. When transactions occur in milliseconds, it doesn’t leave much time to detect and prevent fraud. Finding a balance between protection and rapid transactions is a big challenge.

  • Fraud Detection Limitations: Immediate processing means a very small window for the identification of transactions that might not be above board.
  • Elevated Cybersecurity Risks: RTP is always on, increasing the vulnerability to hacking, phishing, and denial of service attacks.
  • Data Protection: Just because the transactions happen in a blink of an eye, doesn’t mean the data disappears. At rest and in transit, data must be protected.

Regulatory Race Cars

RTP payment processing is fast, but the new regulations are expected to be adhered to just as quickly. Fintech companies must adapt quickly to stay compliant. 

  • Complex Compliance Requirements: Payments that cross borders have to cross jurisdictions too. These jurisdictions have their own compliance guidelines and laws, and adhering to every single one of them can be a nightmare.
  • Real-Time KYC/AML: KYC and AML procedures must be completed per user before transactions can begin. Customers might get put off if they are required to upload identification and take selfies just to make a payment.
  • Risk of Penalties: Due to the accelerated pace of transactions, catching non-compliant activities can be much harder without the help of real-time auditing. 

Legacy Roadblocks

There’s nothing worse than flying down the highway of progress only to be stopped in your tracks by outdated legacy systems. This not only applies to platforms but to some countries, including the United States, which tends to have a hard time moving away from brick-and-mortar traditional banking systems. 

  • Integration Challenges: Aligning RTP with existing legacy systems is a huge challenge due to incompatibilities and bottlenecks. 
  • High Modernization Cost: Significant investment is needed to upgrade existing traditional transaction messaging systems, and often the motivation isn’t there.
  • Organizational Resistance: Changing long-established processes, especially those ingrained into workflows, may result in some strong pushback from decision-makers.

The Code Crucible: Developing the Perfect Software for RTP

If security, speed, and compliance are the foundation of fintech RTP platforms, then high-quality software development is the bedrock on which it stands. To meet the high demands of RTP and instantaneous payment transactions, developers need to create efficient code and use robust architectures.

a person making a payment electronically using his smart watch

Low-Latency and High-Throughput

The high-volume transaction processing inherent in RTP also requires a high-throughput, low-latency architecture that is capable of handling thousands of iterations per second without dropping a single transaction.

Developers should utilize microservices architecture that allows for scalability and modularity to facilitate the development of individual components like payment processing, user authentication, and compliance checks to be scaled independently.

Concurrency and Parallel Processing

Maybe it’s Black Friday, and transaction requests are at an all-time high, or it’s Christmas Eve, and the network is pretty slow. Either way, your computational infrastructure must be able to handle every given situation. 

Concurrency and parallel processing are employed to manage simultaneous transactions and make sure the system remains responsive, even under very heavy load. 

Asynchronous programming models and non-blocking I/O operations should be leveraged to significantly reduce latency and maintain the speed of transaction processing.

Real-Time Data Management

Data replication in real-time and distributed databases must be used to maintain data integrity across the entire system. 

This means development and infrastructure teams should be implementing protocols like two-phase commit to ensure the accuracy of transactions (even in distributed environments). 

Real-Time Fraud Detection

Real-Time Payment Processing is an ideal environment for fraudulent transactions, money laundering, and trade sanctions evasions. The rate at which transactions occur is far too fast for human oversight alone. 

Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are used to analyze transactions on the fly to identify anything that goes against the norm or resembles repeated suspicious transactions to red-flagged accounts, or countries associated with high levels of fraud and financial crime such as scams and money laundering. 

These systems are able to halt transactions and create alerts that require a human touch for auditing. 

Agile Dynamics: How Agile Methodologies Proper Fintech Innovation

Fintech Financial Technology, Cryptocurrency and digital money. Business concept on virtual screen.

For development teams and project managers overseeing the development of Real-Time Payments (RTP) in fintech, Agile methodology is a match made in heaven. 

Iterative development, continuous integration, and collaborative teamwork mean that development teams can respond swiftly to the evolving market demands and constantly evolving technology in the field. 

The flexibility that makes up the foundation of Agile management styles accelerates the delivery of new features and improvements and ensures that RTP platforms always stay competitive and aligned with the needs of their users. 

Pivoting quickly is the name of the game for RTP dev teams, and approaching the development with adaptability and transparency means fintech developers can stay ahead of any rapid changes that are inherent in real-time payment systems. 

Final Thoughts: Fintech and Embracing the Velocity of Change

It’s time to say goodbye to the dinosaurs of finance. Traditional payment processing networks like SWIFT and ACH will always have a place in the world of finance. For those who demand instantaneous payment processing, Real-Time Payments (RTP) in fintech already meet the needs of modern consumers around the world.

It’s this unstoppable momentum toward instant transactions that is ultimately reshaping the fintech landscape. To stay ahead, businesses must be ready to strategize speed and embrace innovative technologies. 

Most importantly of all, they must work with a development partner who understands the nuances and complexity of the fintech sector.

Accelerate Your Fintech Future with KMS Technology

KMS Technology has its finger on the pulse of fintech. The goal is simple: equip your business with software solutions that are not just ready for today’s Real-Time Payment systems but also braced for what tomorrow might bring.

Security? Check. Regional and international compliance? Double-check. An exceptional user experience? Absolutely. But there’s more to it than just nailing the code – from the first concept to the final launch, consider us part of your team.

Reach out now, and let’s tailor-make RTP solutions that fit your business like a glove.

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