Generative AI Resource Roundup #1

With the rapid pace of generative AI advancements, organizations are operating with vastly different levels of familiarity and adoption. Keeping up is a challenge, but KMS Technology has you covered.

Learn everything you need to know about generative AI in 5 minutes or less.

What Every CEO Should Know About Generative AI | McKinsey

Transformative use cases for generative AI are already available to be practically applied. CEOs need to quickly understand, prioritize, and plan generative AI adoption or risk losing out to competitors.


Generative AI Will Change Your Business. Here’s How to Adapt. | Harvard Business Review

Generating content, images, and code is only the surface of generative AI. When that capability is paired with specific data and parameters, software accessibility and the broadening of use cases increases dramatically.

Generative AI Survey | KPMG

65% of surveyed U.S. executives believe generative AI will have a high or extremely high impact on their organization in the next 3-5 years, yet 60% say they are 1-2 years away from implementing their first generative AI solution.


BloombergGPT Release | Bloomberg

As the debate for custom vs public models grows, Bloomberg has released a 50-billion parameter, custom large language model (BloombergGPT) that outperformed open models on financial NLP tasks


Harnessing the Power of AI in Software Development | KMS Technology

This CTO Roundtable brings insights from AI pioneers to the forefront in an open-ended discussion on implementing generative AI into the SDLC effectively while maintaining data security and governance best practices.

The Generative AI TLDR

“CEOs should consider exploration of generative AI a must, not a maybe. Generative AI can create value in a wide range of use cases. The economics and technical requirements to start are not prohibitive, while the downside of inaction could be quickly falling behind competitors.”

“CEOs should consider exploration of generative AI a must, not a maybe. Generative AI can create value in a wide range of use cases. The economics and technical requirements to start are not prohibitive, while the downside of inaction could be quickly falling behind competitors.”

– What Every CEO Should Know About Generative AI | McKinsey

That’s all for this week! Stay tuned for more roundups on a biweekly basis.

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